Coming soon to the U.S.: Middle Eastern migrants celebrated New Years with mass rapes in every major German city

March 24th, 2016, by

It wasn’t supposed to be this way, but maybe it was destiny – one that Western liberals still cannot comprehend or admit: That maybe, just maybe, there are serious differences between Muslim and Western (Christian-centric) cultures.

As some media outlets have reported (not nearly enough of them, by the way), over the New Year’s Eve holiday, scores of mostly Western women in several of Germany’s major cities were ravaged and sexually assaulted, largely by Middle Eastern migrant men, hundreds of thousands of whom have been permitted into the country by Chancellor Angela Merkel.

As reported by Breitbart News, additional media outlets in Germany are finally reporting on the incidents. One, the Berliner Morgenpost, reported that assaults were also taking place on New Year’s Eve “in front of the Brandenburg Gate.”

The new reports may prove too much for most other German media, Breitbart London added, “which until now has stressed in most reports on the new year’s rapes that Berlin was not caught up in the scandal.”

The Berliner noted there were at least four incidents around the gate, including one allegedly committed against a tourist who was sexually assaulted by some “three to five men,” as well as two women who were “sexually harassed” by males from Iraq and Pakistan.

‘I was suddenly alone’

Police reported that another woman came forward just a few days ago, after some national press coverage of the migrant rape scandal. She reported being “touched” at a concert by “several immoral men.”’

Incidents also took place in Hamburg, where groups of men with “southern or Arab appearance,” between 20 and 40 years old, sexually mishandled dozens of women.

Breitbart reported further:

“Police have received 53 complaints of harassment relating to new year’s Eve so far, including 39 of sexual harassment. One 19 year old girl identified by the pseudonym of ‘Lotta’ went out to celebrate the new year in a ‘chic’ dress and high heels.”

Another German paper, Der Spiegel, reported that while walking between two nightclubs, she and other girls were warned by a bouncer not to venture down one particular street, because doing so “would be your death.”

Despite that warning, Lotta and some girlfriends went ahead and walked down the street, but eventually became separated by groups of men.

“I was suddenly alone,” Lotta said, with “20 to 30 men were standing around me… every time a hand went away, already arrived the next… I felt helpless.”

‘The offenses are comparable’

She told the paper and police that she had been assaulted underneath her dress and had her hair pulled, before being thrown to the ground. Eventually she met up again with her friends, only to learn that they, too, had been treated similarly by other groups of men whom they described as being of “foreign origin.”

And in Stuttgart, a pair of 18-year-old women said they were assaulted and then robbed by a group of about 15 men, the Stuttgarter Zeitung reported. The attacks were directed at “mostly young women,” the paper noted, adding that the state prosecutor then warned against comparing what happened in Stuttgart and Cologne, saying, “The incidents in both cities vary greatly in their dimensions.”

Officials in Düsseldorf, meanwhile, said that at least 11 sexual assaults took place in the historic city center by “North African” men. But in contrast to the go easy on the comparisons attitude in Stuttgart, a police source in Düsseldorf was less hesitant to make the comparison.

“The nature of the offenses with which is comparable in Cologne,” the source said.

Breitbart London was the first English language news site to report on the Cologne sex attacks, the site noted. Much of what happened that night has been under-reported by German media, and misrepresented by German politicians, including Merkel, who obviously don’t have the courage to protect their own people – which starts by being honest.

You can be certain that if President Obama goes through with plans to admit tens of thousands of Middle Eastern migrant men, they too, are likely to become just as unruly towards American women.
