
Government has total control over media, laments celebrated German journalist… not allowed to say anything critical about refugees

The refugee-migrant crisis in Europe is getting worse, but you might not know that because many media outlets on the continent, especially those in the hardest-hit countries, are being prevented by their governments from reporting the truth. As reported by Breitbart News London, a former media boss at a major German state broadcast company has admitted Read More


Germany says Russian government was behind ‘aggressive’ hack of its government systems

( The German government is blaming Russia for what Berlin’s intelligence agency says is the most aggressive cyber attacks ever launched at government systems, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday, warning that Moscow was currently conducting a series of long-term cyber-sabotage campaigns that pose a serious threat to government, business and university IT systems. German Read More


Google, Facebook and Twitter all conspire to censor critics of European migrants who sexually assaulted women

The Left-wing extremist governments of Europe continue to put refugees and migrants from war-torn, economically depressed regions of the world ahead of their own citizens, who are being required to foot the bill to care for the new arrivals, even to the point of suppressing their individual rights. As noted recently by Breitbart News, it’s Read More


Poisoned: 99.6% of Germans have glyphosate residues in urine

Glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, has increasingly been subjected to scrutiny after the World Health Organization concluded last spring that it is “probably carcinogenic.” Researchers and health food advocates’ fears have been confirmed as studies continue to uncover the impacts of glyphosate accumulation in the environment, our food supply, and humans. As a Read More


Donald Trump tweets about terror attack in France and Middle Eastern rapists in Germany; desperate mainstream media accuses him of ignorance

To read more about Donald Trump News, please go to for all the latest updates Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, who was recently endorsed by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, made a logical comparison regarding a knife-wielding man who attacked a police station in Paris and the growing unrest in Germany due to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Read More

ARCHIV - Passanten gegen am 03.07.2009 in Hamburg auf der Großen Freiheit unter Leuchtreklameschildern durch. Foto: Angelika Warmuth/dpa (zu dpa "Auch Polizei in Hamburg ermittelt wegen Übergriffen auf Frauen" vom 05.01.2016) +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++

Coming soon to the U.S.: Middle Eastern migrants celebrated New Years with mass rapes in every major German city

It wasn’t supposed to be this way, but maybe it was destiny – one that Western liberals still cannot comprehend or admit: That maybe, just maybe, there are serious differences between Muslim and Western (Christian-centric) cultures. As some media outlets have reported (not nearly enough of them, by the way), over the New Year’s Eve Read More

Credit: Wikimedia

Cologne mayor blames victims, says women should be more careful and ‘prepare’ for more mass rapes by migrants

Rather than acknowledge the connection between an increase in crime – particularly against women – and Germany’s new open-door immigration policy, the Mayor of Cologne instead told women they need to learn how to protect themselves better in the event of future attacks. Henriette Reker’s shocking remarks come after scores of women allege they were Read More


German citizens panic as influx of migrants continue

In a video uploaded to YouTube recently, two German girls in Hannover could be heard expressing their fears about the massive influx of migrants to Germany, all the while observing a Muslim march taking place in their city. In what was deemed to be a “foreign infiltration,” one of the girls remarked about the number Read More


Germany on the brink of civil war due to migrant crisis

Hansjoerg Mueller of the Alternative for Germany party proclaimed that the migrant crisis has now forced Germany to the brink of anarchy and civil war. To prove just how big of a problem the sudden influx of migrants is, Bavarian official Peter Dreier even called German Chancellor Angela Merkel “to tell her personally that if Germany Read More