Tuesday, August 02, 2016 by usafeaturesmedia
(Bugout.news) “There are rules for the Clintons, and there are rules for everybody else.
That statement came from former Secret Service agence Gary Byrne, who worked in the White House during the reign of Bill (and Hillary) Clinton in the 1990s. In an interview with WorldNetDaily from Cleveland, site of the RNC’s national convention, Byrne – who is the author of the new book, “Crisis of Character,” in which he details his years serving as a uniformed Secret Service officer during the Clinton regime – called her a “dictator.”
“The reason I am talking out of school” (against Secret Service agents’ unspoken pledge of silence regarding who they protect) “is because I want the people to know what the truth is about Mrs. Clinton,” he said.
And what is that truth? That she displayed a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality, was verbally and physically abusive to staff and security officers (as well as her own president husband), and that she’s only interested in building and preserving her “brand.”
“I’m telling you what I saw personally, what I know is true,” Byrne said, noting that other agents have spoken out of school about the Clintons but only on background. “If it wasn’t true, who would put themselves at this risk and this exposure?”
Byrne goes on to explain – in his book and in the interview – that Clinton is not mentally stable, has a God complex to a certain degree, and has little to no use for anyone who can’t advance her position in life or enrich her livelihood.
This, Byrne says, is not someone the country should want to put back in the White House.
And yet, far too many Americans seem willing to ignore the fact that she is one of the most corrupt liars ever to run for president and vote for her in November. That should scare a lot of people.
“There are rules for the Clintons, and there are rules for everybody else.” There is no doubt that will continue to be the case if she wins. We’ve already seen – recently – that this is true in the email server scandal. When the director of the FBI lays out a case to indict – and then doesn’t recommend it – yeah, there are different rules for the Clintons.
As in, there are no rules for the Clintons. That last time Americans were living under that kind of system, we were being governed by a monarch 3,000 miles away.
And we remember how that turned out.
If there is a divine being or providence “out there,” he, she or it seems ready to challenge the integrity of our nation. And though the Christian God is said not to be an entity that tests his faithful, we are nevertheless about to be tested, and tested big time.
On the one hand we have a billionaire candidate who gets baited into a Twitter war at the drop of a hat. On the other, we have one of the most compromised candidates on the planet, whose campaign (and emails) have been hacked and stolen in ways we likely haven’t even heard of yet.
Either way, the race for the White House – and the future of our country’s republican form of government – is at risk.
Donald Trump may be the wildest of wild cards when it comes to a president, but we also know what kind of a tyrant Clinton is already – and she’ll bring that style of “leadership” with her to the Oval Office (as well as her philandering husband, who is also ripe for compromise).
If you haven’t started prepping for hard times yet, you’d better get started.
Bugout.news is part of USA Features Media.
Tagged Under: Tags: 2016 election, dictator, Hillary Clinton