Wednesday, March 18, 2020 by Zoey Sky
Prepping is an unusual and work-intensive way of life, but many people who consider themselves preppers don’t regret their choices one bit. After all, prepping teaches you the value of self-sustainability and emergency preparedness.
Now that the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has been classified as a pandemic, preppers can rely on their stockpiles and many preps. But others in America can’t say the same, especially those who are panic buying when they should have been preparing for something like this before SHTF.
Preppers knew disaster would eventually strike, but you won’t hear them gloating because of someone’s lack of foresight.
Whether in fiction or mainstream media, preppers have often been portrayed in an unflattering light, like the rambling conspiracy theorist to the oddball gun enthusiast. However, preppers in real life know better than to engage with those who belittle their efforts to get ready for all kinds of disasters.
Compared to civilians who have lost their composure while panic buying toilet paper, preppers can rest easy because they have spent a lot of time and effort to set up their survival stockpiles. Instead of haphazardly hoarding things they might not need, preppers have planned each trip to the store to get bang for their buck.
But it’s not too late for panicking non-preppers.
Stay calm, and if you need advice, there may be an experienced prepper more than willing to give you tips on how to set up your necessary preps.
Sit down, draft, revise and finalize your emergency preparedness plan and make a list of items that you will need for a long-term SHTF scenario. (Related: Coronavirus spread in the USA is “inevitable,” warns CDC: How to prep for an outbreak.)
Don’t add to the mass panic that’s unsettling the rest of the country. If the panic buying doesn’t let up, more people will run out of necessities when things get bleak.
Stop hoarding toilet paper. If your local store has run out, consider alternatives like baby wipes or eco-friendly options like a bidet.
If you do settle on bidets, you also need to have a backup source of clean water, just in case you end up facing a long-term water outage.
Are your neighbors panicking? If you have the time, talk to them about prepping and give them tips. The more people you convince to start prepping, the more prepared your whole neighborhood will be when disaster strikes.
Below are some tips for people who want to start prepping before it’s too late:
During times like this, it’s important to remain calm and use all your prepping and survival skills.
While preppers value independence and self-sufficiency, teaching non-preppers what you know is also the best way to help others get ready for a coronavirus pandemic.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: Tags: China, coronavirus, covid-19, Flu, food supply, Gear, infections, novel coronavirus, off grid, outbreak, pandemic, panic, Panic Buying, preparedness, Preppers, prepping, prepping tips, SHTF, superbugs, survival, survival food, survival supplies, Survival Tips, virus, Wuhan