Friday, September 04, 2020 by Mike Adams
Left-wing Black Lives Matter terrorists are now openly gunning down patriots and Trump supporters in the streets of America, and they like to target vehicles.
Do you have a firearm in your vehicle? Something more than just a pistol? You may need to defend yourself against left-wing murderers who support Joe Biden and are now chanting, “Death to America!”
Standard AR-15s are too long and unwieldy to deploy from inside a vehicle. They’re also difficult to conceal in bags or backpacks. But what if there were a powerful, compact firearm that fired 7.62 x 39 (AK rounds) yet fit easily into a backpack?
Today I reveal that firearm in my PrepWithMike self-defense video, found at
Here’s a still image from the video, showing you this unique firearm which was developed with input from U.S. Special Forces operators, specifically for vehicle combat situations:

The firearm is incredibly short and deploys almost instantly, yet fires AK rifle rounds that pack an incredible punch, penetrating vehicle doors with ease. This is important when terrorists are using vehicles as weapons to try to mass murder people by running them over. You may need to shoot the driver to stop the assault and protect innocent lives.
As always, I encourage all viewers of these videos to obey local gun laws and never initiate violence, but be willing to defend yourself against violence when it is initiated against you. Every human being has a God-given right to self-defense, and firearms are the best tools to exercise that basic right.
Learn how to clean your firearms with coconut oil
Previous videos at have shown viewers how to clean and lubricate firearms with coconut oil. We also cover the best choice for a comfortable holster, along with podcasts featuring tactical information on how to defend your neighborhood against a group of terrorists.

At least one new video or podcast is being added each day to, which also features real-time listings of in stock survival and preparedness items from the Health Ranger Store. (Scroll down the page to see real-time in-stock items that can ship right away.)
Upcoming videos to be posted soon at PrepWithMike:
- The best fighting rifle for women
- How to make your own emergency fire starters for camping and survival
- Review of medium-range rifles for rapid engagements of targets at medium range
- Review of a long-range sniper rifle for engagements of 1,000 yards or more
- Reviews of the best reticles for riflescopes
- Lessons about why you should sight in your rifles at 25 yards, not 100 yards
- Why Sig pistols are better than Glocks for everyday carry
- How to color-code your rifle magazines to index the type of ammo they carry
… many more how-to videos are yet to come. Tune in to for daily updates.