Monday, October 31, 2022 by Zoey Sky
When society collapses, it’s crucial for a prepper to know what to do during martial law. When due process and fundamental rights are suspended, preppers and survivalists may be targeted by the government.
Prepping isn’t illegal, but during martial law the authorities might come after people who live independently. If this happens, you may need to find places to hide until the coast is clear.
Under normal circumstances, martial law will only last until the crisis has been resolved. But when SHTF, such as during an economic collapse, you might have to hide from the military for a long time. (h/t to AskAPrepper.com)
A law-abiding citizen has nothing to be afraid of if martial law is imposed in your area. But during martial law, local military commanders can confiscate food, water and supplies to distribute to others in the community or confiscate firearms.
This is unfair because preppers spend time and money to build a stockpile of gear and supplies to protect their families when disaster strikes.
Some historical accounts have shown that in areas where “hoarding” has been discouraged or outlawed, some may think that preppers have “more than they need” and their supplies might be confiscated. (Related: Survival 101: What are your rights under martial law?)
This is why you need to have good operational security (OPSEC) regarding your preps. Keep your preps a secret, especially from people you don’t trust, so you don’t become a target during martial law.
There is also a chance that people with political views in contrast to the current government may find themselves under increased scrutiny. Regardless of why you want to hide during martial law, you should plan ahead so you know what to do and where to go when SHTF.
Here are five safe places to hide during martial law.
It might be better to bug in at home so you can hunker down until martial law ends. Staying at home gives you an advantage since you’re familiar with the terrain and you have easy access to your stockpile of weapons and supplies.
If there is no immediate reason to leave, stay at home and keep your preps concealed. During martial law, you should also try to be kind, polite and helpful to the soldiers patrolling in your area.
Keep your head down and don’t give soldiers a reason to think that you are suspicious or are going to be a problem.
If you’re bugging in, conceal your level of preparedness. Keep your food, water, supplies and firearms hidden, but leave a smaller cache that’s easy to find so soldiers will think that they found your stockpile if they try to confiscate supplies.
If soldiers enter your home to confiscate supplies and find nothing, they may try harder to look for something. If you leave some supplies either in plain view or in an area they will eventually discover, they will take what they can see and they might even skip a more thorough search.
Whether you decide to stay at home during martial law or evacuate, you need to prepare bug-out bags so you can escape with supplies if things go south.
Here are some tips on how to fortify your home before SHTF:
You can also head to your bug-out location during martial law if it’s no longer safe to stay at home. When SHTF, don’t draw any attention to yourself or your location so you can remain off the radar of the local military commanders.
Like with many aspects of prepping, you should exercise good OPSEC and keep your bug-out location a secret from everyone.
Modern militaries will have air support with advanced thermal imaging, so it can be hard to completely hide your bug-out location. To address this problem, make your cabin or bug-out location look unimportant enough so soldiers aren’t tempted to investigate.
If you are pursued during martial law, you can seek shelter with trusted family members or friends.
But going with this option means also putting your family and friends at risk because anyone looking for you will eventually check in with anyone you associate with or are related to.
You can try to hide in the woods, but this option isn’t an easy one especially if you only have the supplies in your bug-out bag.
Once your supplies run out, you will need to find more food and water. While camping outdoors, you also have to avoid drawing any attention from the military.
Like bugging out, you will also encounter the same problem in the wilderness and military helicopters will eventually discover the heat signatures of your camp and everyone in it. To stay safe, you need to appear to be of no threat to anyone.
If you are used to spending time outdoors, you can hide in the wilderness during martial law. But if you’re not used to bugging out, it might be better to look for other options and only consider this as a last resort.
If you’re a prepper, the safest place to hide during martial law will be a prepper community. If you and your fellow preppers have a plan, you can watch out for each other during martial law and present a united front.
Before SHTF, talk to fellow preppers so you can lay low and make sure soldiers don’t find out you have a stockpile of food and weapons.
During an emergency or disaster, martial law might be declared. In most cases, martial law will be suspended once the situation is resolved and the soldiers will depart.
But sometimes, the authorities might abuse their power and impose permanent martial law. When this day comes, preppers might be targeted.
Prepare ahead so you can hide somewhere safe during martial law.
Visit Preparedness.news for more tips on how to stay safe when SHTF.
Watch the video below for tips on personal and home security.
This video is from the UncleMario channel on Brighteon.com.
China’s Weibo is still censoring posts about Shanghai grocery shortages during strict lockdown.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: Tags: bug out, chaos, civil unrest, Collapse, martial law, military, off grid, panic, preparedness, prepper, prepping, SHTF, survival, Survival Tips, survivalist
By Zoey Sky