Monday, March 11, 2024 by Zoey Sky
Berries are a nutritious source of vitamins and minerals. If you don’t have a home garden, you can harvest wild berries once you learn how to forage safely. (h/t to BackdoorSurvival.com)
Wild berries are elusive and they only appear for a short period during the summer and fall. If you want to forage wild berries, remember that their period of perfect ripeness moves quickly to a state of over-ripeness, meaning you only have a few weeks of harvesting.
While fresh wild berries taste better than store-bought berries, they spoil faster so you have to use them quickly. (Related: 12 Wild summer edibles to harvest for your food stockpile.)
Blueberry/highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum)
Highland blueberries grow on a thin-branched shrub with glossy leaves. The plant also bears bell-shaped, usually white to light pink flowers that bloom in groups of five to ten.
The plants prefer acidic soil. Blueberry leaves are sometimes red, especially during autumn. The leaves are small and oval to lance-shaped.
Blueberries have a unique five-pointed star shape on the underside of each blueberry. Berries that fall off the plant are already ripe.
Unripe blueberries may appear green or red. Once they turn blue, wait several days before they’re at full ripeness.
Raspberry (Rubus strigosus, etc.)
Raspberries grow in sharp-prickled bushes and they taste tart and sweet.
Ripe raspberries are deep red and very sweet. Less than perfectly ripe berries are sour but edible.
When foraging for raspberries, look for spindly raspberry bushes along disturbed lots and roadsides, especially in dry soil.
Raspberry leaves are opposite and they grow in groups of three on the tips of the stems.
Wild Strawberry (Fragaria virginiana)
Wild strawberry is a creeper. The plant is often hidden, spreading close to the ground as fruits dangle from its low-lying vines.
Make sure you don’t miss wild strawberry patches by keeping an eye out for the vines and berries in the ground.
Wild strawberries look similar to commercial berries, but the former are smaller.
Wild strawberries bear white, five-petaled flowers. The leaves are toothed and appear in threes.
Wild berries look similar to false strawberries, which are also edible, but tasteless and dry.
False strawberries bear yellow flowers and the seeds rub off easily. These berries usually point up instead of dangling at the vine tips.
If you don’t have time to forage for berries, another option is to stock up on freeze-dried organic blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and bananas.
Organic blueberries are a close relative of cranberries, huckleberries, gooseberries and bilberries, and they are one of the most nutritious and antioxidant-rich fruits in the world.
Loaded with a variety of essential nutrients, Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Whole Blueberries are an excellent healthy snack you can enjoy all year round. They have been carefully freeze-dried to preserve the taste, texture and nutrients of fresh produce without the use of any chemical preservatives.
You can eat Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Whole Blueberries directly or reconstitute them by simply adding water.
You can also try Organic Freeze-Dried Whole Raspberries, which are grown in Serbia under strict organic standards. The freeze-drying method preserves taste, texture and nutrients better than any other food preservation method ever invented.
Eat Organic Freeze-Dried Whole Raspberries as a snack, sprinkle onto cereals, or rehydrate by soaking them in water.
Groovy Bee® Organic Freeze-Dried Strawberry Slices are another great source of antioxidants that can help protect your body from damage caused by free radicals and support optimal health and well-being.
Lastly, Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Diced Bananas are loaded with potassium, vitamin C and a variety of important nutrients. These premium diced bananas allow you to savor the delicious flavor and nutritional benefits of fresh bananas all year round.
Sourced from premium banana plants grown by our trusted suppliers under strict organic standards, these diced bananas undergo a careful freeze-drying process that preserves the original taste, texture and nutrients of our premium bananas.
Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Whole Blueberries, Organic Freeze-Dried Whole Raspberries, Groovy Bee® Organic Freeze-Dried Strawberry Slices and Freeze-Dried Organic Banana contain no gluten or GMOs and have undergone extensive lab testing for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.
They are also vegan, non-China and certified Kosher and organic.
Visit Health Ranger Store and Brighteon Store to find more clean food supplies for your prepping stockpile and GreenLivingNews.com for more foraging tips.
Watch the video below to learn more about Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Whole Blueberries.
This video is from the Health Ranger Store channel on Brighteon.com.
Foraging tips: 17 Wild foods to forage for your winter stockpile.
Berry foraging: How to identify and harvest 8 wild berries.
Tips for responsibly and safely foraging and hunting for food.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: Tags: bananas, berries, blueberries, emergency stockpile, emergency supplies, food freedom, food independence, Food storage, food supply, goodfood, homesteading, how-to, nutrients, off grid, preparedness, prepper, prepper pantry, prepping, prepping stockpile, raspberries, SHTF, strawberries, survival, survival stockpile, tips
By Zoey Sky