MSM attacks Oath Keepers for defending public safety, Constitutional rights
The mainstream media is trying to tar and feather the Oath Keepers as a racist, anti-government group of white men. These false characterizations came after a group of Oath Keepers, led by Sam Andrews, arrived at a scene of protesters in nearby Ferguson marking the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown. According to Read More

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign collapses, figuratively & literally [Video]
In what can only be described as poetic justice, the physical backdrop at a Wisconsin Hillary Clinton rally collapsed on Thursday, bringing the American Flag to the ground. To add insult to injury, rather than rushing to rectify the situation, the audience of so-called supporters instead gawked helplessly, and in true millennial fashion, memorializing the Read More

Venezuelan mobs take law into their own hands, beating and lynching thieves
Venezuelans in once middle-class neighborhoods have turned to vigilante justice, punishing thieves caught stealing with brutal violence, and in some cases even death. The turmoil continues in the socialist country amidst currency controls and plummeting oil prices, resulting in a collapsed economy in which citizens are deprived of food and other essential items. Overworked security Read More