Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign collapses, figuratively & literally [Video]

September 14th, 2015, by

In what can only be described as poetic justice, the physical backdrop at a Wisconsin Hillary Clinton rally collapsed on Thursday, bringing the American Flag to the ground. To add insult to injury, rather than rushing to rectify the situation, the audience of so-called supporters instead gawked helplessly, and in true millennial fashion, memorializing the moment through their smart phones.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign has figuratively been taking a nose dive over the last month, as the federal investigation into her secret personal email server is fueled forward daily by the continuous revelations of her obvious guilt. The additional rise in popularity of admitted socialist Bernie Sanders has also further intensified the decline, as the former First Lady and Secretary of Defense during the Benghazi debacle becomes more likely to occupy a cell in a federal penitentiary than the seat in the Oval Office.


