Democrats threaten to shut down food stamps program to maintain funding for genocidal abortion agenda
Civil uprising caused by the permanent, or even temporary, suspension of government-issued food stamps, also known as Electronic Benefits Transfers (EBTs), is considered to be one of the greatest threats to today’s society. Attempting to remove the stigma associated with food stamps, the federal government began issuing EBT cards in the late 1990s and early Read More

Obama’s State Dept. allowed only 31 Syrian Christian refugees in 2015; 95% of Syrian “refugees” are Sunni Muslims
There is little doubt that President Obama and the Democrats have gone out of their way to ensure that Muslims have maximum deference, legal protection and opportunity – not just in the United States, but the world over. This, despite the fact that Muslim extremists are doing nearly all of the killing around the globe, Read More

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign collapses, figuratively & literally [Video]
In what can only be described as poetic justice, the physical backdrop at a Wisconsin Hillary Clinton rally collapsed on Thursday, bringing the American Flag to the ground. To add insult to injury, rather than rushing to rectify the situation, the audience of so-called supporters instead gawked helplessly, and in true millennial fashion, memorializing the Read More