Hillary Clinton’s presidency has already been BOUGHT by Big Pharma and Wall Street… see the list of bribes she’s already accepted!
(Clinton.news) In case you didn’t know, Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is well-connected – to industries and corporations, to banks and financial institutions, to foreign governments and foreign interests… to just about everyone who isn’t aligned with, or tuned to, the common folk she claims to represent. But don’t take my word for it. The data Read More

U.S. intelligence: Foreign hackers are spying on political campaigns
(Cyberwar.news) The director of U.S. intelligence says that agencies he oversees have learned that foreign hackers who are potentially working for foreign governments are snooping on presidential campaigns, leading government officials to assist the campaigns in tightening security ahead of the November election. As reported by The Associated Press, the detected activity follows a pattern Read More

Libtard Democrats want Americans to trade their firearms for government-issued debit cards that can be spent on junk food … while helping increase gun sales
It doesn’t take a genius to recognize that gun regulations fail to curb gun violence. If they did, why do mass shootings consistently take place in “gun free” zones. Unfortunately, this reality has obviously failed to sink into the minds of democrats, in lieu of the Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act. The Safer Neighborhoods Gun Read More

Hillary Clinton cozies up to Dow Chemical, gives pass on toxic chemical that threatens pregnant women
To read more about Hillary Clinton News, please go to Clinton.news for all the latest updates Democratic presidential front runner Hillary Clinton is like her husband in more ways than she would like to think. No, she’s not the philandering type – at least, not that we know of or not the extent of the Read More

Hillary Clinton’s choices for campaign’s strategists spotlights her ties to Big Pharma
To read more about Hillary Clinton News, please go to Clinton.news for all the latest updates Not that it will matter one bit to her supporters, but Democratic presidential front runner Hillary Clinton doesn’t have a modicum of integrity, despite her claims to the contrary. Unbeknownst to her supporters or, perhaps more accurately intentionally disregarded Read More

The GMO queen: All the terrible reasons you shouldn’t vote for Hillary
Following a smattering of debates and a couple of primaries and caucuses, Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton is having a much tougher time with avowed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, her sole remaining opponent for her party’s nomination. She and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, have blamed her poor performances on a number of things Read More

Clinton’s comments show support for gun confiscation, NRA claims
The National Rifle Association (NRA) claimed that Hillary Clinton’s comments in support of a mandatory gun “buyback” show that gun control proponents are really interested in gun confiscation. In a recent speech in New Hampshire, Clinton lauded Australia’s current gun control measures — which included mandatory gun buyback and destruction — while proposing that the Read More

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign collapses, figuratively & literally [Video]
In what can only be described as poetic justice, the physical backdrop at a Wisconsin Hillary Clinton rally collapsed on Thursday, bringing the American Flag to the ground. To add insult to injury, rather than rushing to rectify the situation, the audience of so-called supporters instead gawked helplessly, and in true millennial fashion, memorializing the Read More