After Somali men gang rape 16-year-old British girl, they harass her family in court… How would we handle this if it happened in America?
The immigrant crime wave in Europe just keeps worsening day by day, and refugees from North Africa and the Middle East continue streaming into the continent, bringing with them different cultural mores that don’t mesh well with European social and cultural values. As noted by the Daily Mail, the mother of a 16-year-old British girl Read More

Vancouver police accused of racism for investigating Middle Easterners filming mall entrances in possible terror plot
Politically correct liberalism is getting more and more people harmed or killed throughout the West these days, and yet the purveyors of PC-ism are never held accountable in the public realm, because those who would do so – the legacy media, in particular – share the same ideology. Now, death by PC may be heading Read More

American unemployment rate at 30% and 17% of U.S. jobs are held by foreign nationals
The unemployment rate for American born citizens is worse than U.S. immigrants. The Pew Charitable Trusts recently released data on the probability of American immigrants obtaining employment versus American citizens in 13 major industries in all 50 states of America, and the results are sobering.(1) Pew’s online interactive tool adds on these data to contrast Read More

New refugee ‘fitness’ program costs taxpayers a bundle
(BigGovernment.news) If you think your gym membership is getting expensive, wait until you hear about the fitness program you just paid for on behalf of refugees and immigrants to the U.S. As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, the National Institutes of Health is set to spend nearly $1.7 million on an exercise program for Read More