Vancouver police accused of racism for investigating Middle Easterners filming mall entrances in possible terror plot

April 18th, 2016, by

Politically correct liberalism is getting more and more people harmed or killed throughout the West these days, and yet the purveyors of PC-ism are never held accountable in the public realm, because those who would do so – the legacy media, in particular – share the same ideology.

Now, death by PC may be heading to Canada.

As reported by Global News, police in Vancouver, British Columbia, recently attempted to identify three men they said were shooting video of the entrances and exits of the Pacific Center Shopping Mall, but were accused of racially profiling the men because they were “Middle Eastern looking.”

VPD officers said that the trio of men entered the mall around 6:30 p.m. on January 12, and began taking video of the entire mall and its various exits and entrances. The News noted that the men appeared to spend extra time focusing on an exit facing Dunsmuir St.

Security at the mall “tried locating [the] males but were unsuccessful,” according to an internal memo by the VPD.

Cops said they thought the actions taken by the three men were a little suspicious at the time, but refused to say that the public was probably at risk or that a crime had been committed.

“Police are interested in speaking with them about their activity in the mall,” VPD in a statement on the evening of January 14.

“Public safety remains our top priority and we are working with mall security and management to ensure the safety of visitors and staff.”

See something, say something – maybe, if it’s not ‘racist’

Global News reported further that the police department was conducting a further investigation, but that the memo was not supposed to be for public release. Eventually, police identified the three men and spoke with them, declaring them to be “completely innocent.”

“All three men were cooperative with investigators and they had a very logical explanation regarding their behavior,” VPD said in a statement.

But the behavior, nonetheless, was odd, according to security analysts – and the reaction to the police investigation even odder still, given rising instances of terrorism being committed in large part by young males from the Middle East.

In an interview with Global News, security expert Leo Knight said that taking selfies or photos of each other would have been one thing, but filming entrances and exits is extremely suspicious.

“I think we have to be pragmatic,” says Knight. “In the wake of what happened in Paris and San Bernardino, we have to understand that there is a risk out there and when we see something, we need to say something.”

That, after all, is also the mantra of our own Department of Homeland Security. “It takes a community to protect a community. Informed, alert communities play a critical role in keeping our nation safe,” DHS says on its website.

But, at least in the San Bernardino case, we know that people who suspected something odd was going on involving the male and female jihadis of Middle Eastern origin did not say something – because they were afraid of being accused of stereotyping and racism.

Insane levels of PC-ism

As pointed out by

In a little-noticed report by the local CBS News affiliate, a man who lived near where the two dead suspects – who were of Middle Eastern descent – lived said he had seen as many as a half-dozen young men with what he believed were Middle Eastern physical characteristics filtering in and out of the suspects’ home for several days prior to the shootings, activity that he intimated was out of the ordinary.

But he didn’t report it to authorities because, according to the CBS affiliate, “he did not wish to racially profile those people.”

“We sat around lunch thinking, ‘What were they doing around the neighborhood?’” he said, noting that he had discussed the activity with some of his friends.  “We’d see them leave where they’re raiding the apartment.”

So, on the one hand we have an Obama administration that has presided over worsening race relations; on the other, we have an Obama administration that wants Americans to report suspicious behavior, no matter who it involves. It can’t cut both ways.

What has happened in California, and what may next happen in Canada, is the direct result of liberal political correctness taken to insane levels.
