Vancouver police accused of racism for investigating Middle Easterners filming mall entrances in possible terror plot
Politically correct liberalism is getting more and more people harmed or killed throughout the West these days, and yet the purveyors of PC-ism are never held accountable in the public realm, because those who would do so – the legacy media, in particular – share the same ideology. Now, death by PC may be heading Read More

Ottawa University bans free yoga class due to controversial “cultural issues”
Jennifer Scharf has been offering free yoga lessons at the Centre for Students with Disabilities since 2008 — just this September, however, she received an email telling her the class had been suspended. According to The Telegraph, Scharf was shocked “after being told by Ottawa University’s student federation her class was being cancelled because of ‘cultural issues’.” The email Read More

Obama’s Speech Gestapo Democrats attempt to criminalize criticism of Muslims, while encouraging persecution of Christians, conservatives, gun owners and libertarians
The GOP bills itself as the party of small government (well, okay, it used to). Libertarians like to think of themselves as belonging to the party of the Constitution. The Democrat Party seriously ought to rename itself the party of the anti-American totalitarian, as a recent piece of Democrat legislation once again demonstrates. As reported Read More

School bans Hispanic student from wearing Hispanic Halloween costume because he might offend himself
In today’s age of hypersensitivity, people have become so afraid to offend anybody — including themselves! At least, that’s what happened at the St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School in Ontario, Canada. Just recently, the school forbade a student from dressing up as a mariachi for Halloween. Why? Because, apparently, it would be offensive to Hispanics — notwithstanding the Read More