Swedish government covered up rape crimes of refugees just like liberal U.S. cities cover up rape and murder crimes of illegals
Political correctness and absurd Leftism is getting scores of Europeans – mostly women – hurt and putting scores more at risk. As reported by Breitbart London, a wave of sex crimes committed by thousands of younger male migrants from the Middle East and North Africa is spreading throughout the European continent, and what’s more, uber-Leftist Read More

Ted Cruz identifies 113 terrorists in the U.S. being protected by the Obama Administration
For tens of millions of Americans, the number one political issue heading into the 2016 presidential election, is immigration and its related cousin, refugee resettlement. This has been apparent ever since the Republican Party front-runner, Donald Trump, made it an issue right off the bat in a speech announcing his candidacy last summer. He’s mentioned Read More

Feds release new immigrant “welcome” guide in 14 different languages
The federal government has recently released updated guidelines for immigrants titled “Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants.” It features detailed instructions on how new immigrants can get a hold of taxpayer-provided benefits including welfare, food stamps and even the controversial Obamacare. The guide also includes a thorough run-through about employment possibilities, Read More

Eastern Germans threaten civil war with increasingly totalitarian central government, as migrant invasion threatens national sovereignty
Germany is edging closer to anarchy as citizens grow increasingly frustrated with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to welcome one million refugees into the country. Germans are becoming more and more concerned that their country’s so-called democracy is inching closer towards a totalitarian state, Alternative for Germany party member Hansjoerg Mueller told Russia Today in a Read More

Obama’s State Dept. allowed only 31 Syrian Christian refugees in 2015; 95% of Syrian “refugees” are Sunni Muslims
There is little doubt that President Obama and the Democrats have gone out of their way to ensure that Muslims have maximum deference, legal protection and opportunity – not just in the United States, but the world over. This, despite the fact that Muslim extremists are doing nearly all of the killing around the globe, Read More

Spike in U.S. terrorist plots linked to Obama’s immigration policies
Intermixing people of vastly different cultures and ideologies with little to no process of integration is an interesting phenomenon — one that is accompanied by some benefits, such as encouraging acceptance, tolerance and compassion for individuals of dissimilar backgrounds. However, unfortunate as it may seem, it can also result in conflict and reduced quality of living for Read More

Cologne mayor blames victims, says women should be more careful and ‘prepare’ for more mass rapes by migrants
Rather than acknowledge the connection between an increase in crime – particularly against women – and Germany’s new open-door immigration policy, the Mayor of Cologne instead told women they need to learn how to protect themselves better in the event of future attacks. Henriette Reker’s shocking remarks come after scores of women allege they were Read More

U.S. foreign policy: The missing link between mass immigration and false-flag events
The U.S. government and its Western allies are largely responsible for the upheaval in the Middle East, including the thousands of refugees trying to flee violence in war-torn countries. The assassination of individuals (suspected “militants” and innocent civilians) in undeclared war zones by the U.S. military’s drone program has generated well-documented blowback and immense hatred Read More

Texas Governor: We WILL NOT allow refugees with possible terrorist ties into our state!
In an act of true patriotism, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is refusing to allow Syrian refugees into the Lone Star State following a horrific and unprecedented attack in Paris, France, that left more than 120 people dead and another 350 injured on Friday. Gov. Abbott declared that he will not be taking any risks when Read More

European Union chief warns of collapse under immigration crisis
The president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, has warned that the European Union may literally be at risk of falling apart at the seams from the unprecedented influx of immigrants flooding into Europe’s borders. The very similar warning, that Europe has absolutely lost control of their borders, was also touted by a senior Brussels diplomat. Read More