Credit: Wikimedia

Why socialist societies deplete and destroy earth’s natural resources faster than free-market systems

Many attribute environmental degradation and pollution to free market enterprise, an economic system in which corporations routinely operate aberrant of the law. However, this type of reckless behavior is not limited to capitalism. As the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) points out, “profit motive” is not the primary cause of pollution. If this were true, Read More


Puerto Rico in the midst of an economic collapse, admits U.S. Treasury official

The pipe dream days of easy money and endless credit are coming to an end in the United States, and the first place that is becoming evident is in a U.S. territory, Puerto Rico. The Caribbean nation has been in economic dire straights for some time, but U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew recently announced in Read More

Credit: Wikicommons

Sorry, Sanders: Scandinavian policies are far from the ‘democratic socialism’ you keep claiming exists

Socialism is not all it is chalked up to be, or rather what Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders insists that it is. Sanders’ campaign has been successful largely due to proclamations that if elected, he will free us all from the chains of bureaucracy. But there’s just one problem: he intends to do so using more Read More

Welcome to the united states a guide for new immigrants

Feds release new immigrant “welcome” guide in 14 different languages

The federal government has recently released updated guidelines for immigrants titled “Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants.” It features detailed instructions on how new immigrants can get a hold of taxpayer-provided benefits including welfare, food stamps and even the controversial Obamacare. The guide also includes a thorough run-through about employment possibilities, Read More

Bernie Sanders

Bernwashing and American corporatocracy

If tweets, shares and hashtags are any indication, then there’s no doubt that Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has managed to capture a huge chunk of 2016’s millennial voting block. Voters have lapped up Sanders’ promises of mandating high-paying jobs, rallying against overseas outsourcing and ending the Drug War. His solution: a renewed sense of socialism in America, and Read More


California faces $12-billion deficit pending China stock market crash

California’s state of affairs continues to weaken amidst increased tax rates, absurd regulations and enormous welfare payouts, such as its decision to fund healthcare for undocumented minors, forcing the middle class onto the brink of extinction. Taking its place is the “one percent,” as California houses more billionaires than any other state. These billionaires pay Read More


Venezuelans turn to organic farming and natural and homemade products as economic collapse worsens

As Venezuela’s economic crisis worsens, those with skills of self-reliance are fairing much better than those enslaved by government dependency. Currency restrictions enforced under a socialist regime, along with falling oil prices, have plunged the nation into economic despair, resulting in food shortages and vigilante justice as Venezuelans take matters into their own hands, punishing Read More


Venezuelan mobs take law into their own hands, beating and lynching thieves

Venezuelans in once middle-class neighborhoods have turned to vigilante justice, punishing thieves caught stealing with brutal violence, and in some cases even death. The turmoil continues in the socialist country amidst currency controls and plummeting oil prices, resulting in a collapsed economy in which citizens are deprived of food and other essential items. Overworked security Read More


Venezuelans starve as economy collapses

Venezuelans continue to suffer as food shortages plague the region, forcing them to wait in long lines outside of supermarkets, desperate for rations of rice or milk. Perched on flattened cardboard boxes, natives are gathering in lines at 3:00AM, spending the night outside grocery stores only to leave with nothing the next day. At least Read More


Venezuelans now paying each other to stand in line for hours, desperately hoping to buy basic necessities in collapsed economy

Venezuela is in the mist of a major food shortage. Citizens have been lacking basic necessities, such as detergent, toilet paper and oil, for more than a year now. Lines wrap around supermarkets. Even after sitting in line for hours, many Venezuelans still go home empty-handed. People are growing tired of having to wait hours Read More