These natural antibiotics were around LONG before pills: Stock up on them
(Bugout.news) The medical industry, in collusion with Big Pharma, has been over-prescribing antibiotics for years, resulting in new strains of superbugs that are difficult to kill. In point of fact, it’s not at all improper to suggest that at some point in the future, our overuse of antibiotics may result in bacteria evolving to the point where nothing Read More

6 ways to prepare for an EMP event
(Bugout.news) The world is getting to be a scary place – more so than at any time since the end of the Cold War. But nothing is more frightening than contemplating an electromagnetic pulse event that would instantly send all of Mankind back to the 18th century. One of the more plausible EMP scenarios is Read More

‘Prepping,’ ‘panic rooms,’ and ‘going off-grid’ now mainstreaming as record numbers of Americans get ready for chaos
(Bugout.news) Less than a decade ago most people had never heard the word “prepping,” let alone the modern definition of it, but today, following two terms of some of the worst foreign and domestic policy in American history, more Americans not only know what prepping is but they are actively engaged in it. In fact, the Read More

Review: Important considerations for choosing and preparing a ‘safe room’
(Bugout.news) The Red Cross and other disaster relief agencies advise having supplies and disaster plans in place for survival during hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and other unexpected emergencies. Creating a home security safe room can save your life, sustaining you for days afterwards. It can be overwhelming setting up a home security safe room, and many people avoid Read More

Bee-keeping survivalist gets candid about prepping: ‘Most people would be dead between 30 and 90 days’
(Bugout.news) Jake Cassar lives in Australia and has been preparing for the end of the world since he was a teen. He takes disaffected youth to the bush and shows them edible wild plants, encourages the intake of clean food and the medicinal use of native crops and more. ABC news describes what Jake Cassar told the wide-eyed teens at a recent wilderness outing: ” Read More

15 ways to be better prepared for an emergency by tomorrow
(Bugout.news) We can all pretty much agree on the fact that the world most of us know is becoming much more chaotic. From the refugee crisis in Europe to political unrest in the Americas (which is really growing in the United States), from reports that the elite and powerful are buying up remote island locations Read More

12 lessons for surviving war after a financial collapse
(Bugout.news) The ongoing crisis in Ukraine is saddening to behold, but there are a number of valuable lessons to be learned from the plight of the citizens who live within its contested regions. This was a stable and relatively prosperous country that descended into chaos in the span of less than a year. Many financial analysts Read More

15 uses for dental floss that will dramatically expand your survival abilities
(Bugout.news) While it may seem like a relatively innocuous item, dental floss can actually be one of the handiest things you have in your bugout bag. This is huge, especially because, as you know, space is always a premium in your SHTF bag. A number of items are multi-use, of course, but perhaps not so Read More

What should your gear do for you in times of need?
(Bugout.news) There is a name for someone who buys every piece of survivalist equipment that hits the market – a geardo (rhymes with weirdo). In the military, the moniker takes on a slightly different – and insulting – definition: A geardo is the guy (or, in rarer instances the girl) who deploys to Iraq or Read More

How to keep your bugout location secure
(Bugout.news) Many preppers and survivalist-minded folks have decided they will bugout to a secure location in case of a national emergency. And while that plan may not be for everyone, there are some things to keep in mind before SHTF if in fact you’re someone who has chosen to get out while the getting is Read More