
REPORT: We must protect Lone Star state’s stand-alone power grid as Texas is home to massive U.S. military presence vital to national defense

(Cyberwar.news) Though America’s power grid and is arguably the most vulnerable of all U.S. infrastructure, the fact that the state of Texas is has its own self-contained grid puts it in a “unique position” to act in advance of any electromagnetic pulse event or cyber attack by a hostile foreign power, a new study notes. Read More


U.S. military’s next war with be fought with futuristic weapons

(NationalSecurity.news) Should the United States have to fight another major conflict with a great power in the near future, some of the weapons the Pentagon will field are the stuff of science fiction. Or, rather, they used to be. As noted by the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, some of those weapons will include laser platforms on Read More

Credit: Wikimedia

ACLU appeals judge’s refusal to release documents pertaining to CIA’s covert drone/assassination program

There’s essentially only two ways to truly know what the federal government is up to, and that’s through the mouth of whistleblowers, such as Edward Snowden, who bravely exposed the National Security Agency’s (NSA) mass surveillance of the American people, and secondly, the Freedom of Information Request Act (FOIA), which allows the public to access Read More

Russian SU-34

The final countdown to World War 3: Russian airstrikes in Syria

Three years ago, Douglas Hagmann, the senior host of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, laid out the conclusion to his geopolitical analysis that World War 3 would begin in Syria. Judging by this line from an October 1 article, “Russia has begun airstrikes in Syria, the West is disputing their targets, and Putin has told Read More