The final countdown to World War 3: Russian airstrikes in Syria

October 1st, 2015, by

Three years ago, Douglas Hagmann, the senior host of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, laid out the conclusion to his geopolitical analysis that World War 3 would begin in Syria. Judging by this line from an October 1 article, “Russia has begun airstrikes in Syria, the West is disputing their targets, and Putin has told the U.S. and the West to stand down,” his analysis may be turning out to be deadly accurate.

As Mr. Hagmann has previously written, “the road to World War III travels directly through Damascus. The road to global conflict was paved by the selection of Barack Hussein Obama II in 2008, and was further widened by the Clinton State Department as it went through Libya, specifically Benghazi, by a rogue crew of globalists acting at the behest of the Saudis.”

This recent development seems to have stemmed not only from the previous decisions by Vladimir Putin and the Chinese government to move tanks, planes and even an aircraft carrier to be stationed in Syria, but from the United States government’s own undeniable intent to covertly support and arm radical Islamist factions in the Middle East over the last few years. It would seem that the beginning of World War 3, that Hagmann is referring to, may literally be kicking off with the Russians spearheading an actual fight against ISIS.
